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What 2024 Means To Me

Writer's picture: Vicki JamesVicki James

Updated: May 21, 2024

It's been a hot minute since I wrote a blog post on my website, and it's something I want to start doing more of. As an author, there's a lot to keep up with aside from writing. There's marketing, publishing, social media, signings, accounting... the list goes on and on and on. Some days, there really aren't enough hours in the day when you're a one-woman show, but I really do want to start carving out more time to be on here and keep you all up to date on what's happening in my world.

First, let me start by explaining a few things, and why my book releases have been slightly slower than usual over the last couple of years. Those who follow me on social media will know that, 14 months ago, I lost my beloved mum unexpectedly. I was lucky to have her in my life for forty years, but when the end came, those forty years felt like five minutes. They weren't enough. I don't think they'll ever be enough, despite knowing how fortunate I was compared to some people who lose their parents at a much younger age. The incomparable Jenny Holmes wasn't just my mother. She was my best friend, my confidant, my shoulder to cry on, my muse, my cheerleader, and the one person I wanted to make proud. When she left, I spent the first twelve months trying to honour her memory by working hard, keeping that smile on my face, travelling the world, and pushing through the pain.

I believe that part of grief is called denial.

The worst thing about that? Well, denial always catches up with you eventually, and boy, did it catch up with me.

This Christmas—our second without her—was the hardest time to get through, and finally, I allowed myself to realise that she's gone, and she isn't coming back. Unfortunately, once that particular floodgate is opened, there's not much you can do to go back to the place where you pushed everything aside and pretended you were fine.

So, now that leaves me in a brand new world—one where I'm actually having to rediscover myself, who I am, what I stand for, what drives me, and what I can do to continue to make Mum proud, while also paying attention to my very real, very present grief, and allowing myself to drown in that on the days I need to lay down, look up at the sky, and just... be. Don't panic, though. It's not all doom and gloom. Far from it, actually. Before, while living in denial, my brain was just one big cloud of fog. Like waking up, trying to tap into your mind and seeing nothing but mist there where you know your characters, stories, and worlds should be. No matter how hard I tried to squint, focus, or force myself to see and hear them, all that ever came up was... nothing. A blank empty space that had begun to feel numb. Now, though, in this very present moment, and after allowing my grief in, I'm finally see through the darkness to the other side. To all those worlds inside my brain that are waiting to be downloaded onto paper through my words. Don't get me wrong, it's going to be a journey. Grief isn't linear. Neither are people or emotions. As a writer, I should know that better than anyone. BUT... this is a journey I can finally step into again, knowing the path in front of me is there and while it might not be quite as clear as it once was yet, I can see just about enough to put one step in front of the other, and I'm going to.

Which leads to plans. Lots of plans. Here are just a few that I have in store for the year ahead.

  •  A surprise mafia romance release, co-written with Lou Stock - releasing 2024.

  • Summer of Our True Colours - releasing Summer 2024. A summer romance stand-alone novel by yours truly.

  • Four Brits Book Fest - July 27th, 2024, York, England. My favourite event to sign at!

  • A Christmas story to be released November 2024. Whether that's a novel or a novella at this point hasn't been decided, but it's a story I'm excited to tell.

And this is just the bare minimum at the moment. I also have quite a few foreign publishing deals that will see several translated releases throughout the year, which absolutely blows my mind. The me of ten years ago would be going crazy to know that not only would her books be selling on any platform in her own language, but she'd currently have signed deals for SIX other language translations to happen very, very soon. Sometimes it's so easy to forget what we have achieved because we're worrying about what's yet to come. How ridiculous is that? So this is me celebrating the moment. The here and now, as well as looking forward to what's ahead.

I can't thank you all enough for standing by me these last couple of years, for sharing my books all over social media, for the shout outs, the constant support, and the encouragement for more, more, more, more. 2024 is going to be the year I deliver it, I promise you, and that promise is driven by these next few words that are what this year is about for me.

  • Peace

  • Consistency

  • Calm

  • Motivation

  • Pursuit

  • Family

  • Friendship

  • Love

  • Presence

  • FUN!

Also, if there's a particular story you'd love to see me write in the coming years, let me know in the comments below. I love listening to your ideas.

Most of all, thanks for being here. I appreciate you.

Much love always,

Vic x



Jan 11, 2024

Loved your honest and heartfelt post Vicki! Exciting times ahead for you. 2024 let's do this! x

Vicki James
Vicki James
Jan 12, 2024
Replying to

Thank you so much x

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